So the last post I did provoked a bit of alternative opinion, well written and tactfully put so I appreciate anyone who did comment for not being an internet troll :P
I just wanted to clarify today why I choose to eat the way I do - it's something that has taken me many many years to achieve, and I'm really proud of it!! Throughout my teens, I had a TERRIBLE relationship with food - it was good food or bad food, guilt and sacrifice, and binging then starving.
My attitude for the last two years has been revolutionary for me - I do not have any current issues with food, myself or my weight. I don't think I'm fat and I don't think I need to lose weight - it's merely an issue of feeling comfortable and healthy.
Now - the main thing people wrote on my last post, was that 900 calories in a day isn't enough and isn't healthy. I just wanted to point out that I am totally aware of my health info - I know all about recommended calories, about nutrition and about how your body deals with fat and storing it in certain conditions - trust me, I spend 5 years of my life working out how to lose weight and starving myself then binging, I have read a lot on it ;)
The only way I have found that works for me is this -
I eat when I'm hungry, I stop when I am full.
This sentence here, has helped me SO much. I read a book, which told me that I needed to take all the emotion out of food - pizza was no longer "bad" food, salad was no longer "good" food. By purely just listening to my body, listening to when it is hungry and eating what I feel like (ice cream, pizza, veg, whatever) when I am hungry, I take away all my cravings and my body trusts me. I know that if I want a tuna and cheese baguette, I will have one. I had one on Wednesday! It was great.
The only change I am making right now, is I am swapping out the majority of stuff low in nutritional value for stuff which is better for my body. Last month, I may have had 900 calories a day - but in a pizza. One pizza. Because I had two slices at lunch, and felt full. I had the rest in the evening, and felt full. But now, those 900 calories are for food that's better for me, which is ace! And actually more filling!
I should also point out that being a total midget means that overall, my intake should be lower anyway. I don't need to eat the same amount as a 5ft11 woman, as there's less of me overall.
So yes - eat when I'm hungry, stop when I'm full. Simple as. There's no "I'm so fat, need to be thinner and not eat" behind this - just stop when I'm full. There's no need to eat more than your body feels like it needs, and only you know when you are done and when you are hungry. There are no world rules for everyone - just finding what works for you. I find, that eating a big lunch works a lot better for me than eating a big dinner. It leaves me feeling full right over the day, and at dinner if I do get peckish, I can snack to make that back to normal.
Please don't think I am trying to starve myself or get into bad habits again. That's the last thing I want - and I doubt Iain would let me :P I am just listening to my body when I eat, and taking my own approach - that feels right to me. I wouldn't go to bed on a growling stomach. I have experienced first hand how dangerous it can be down that path, and I don't particularly want to go and raid a McDonalds next week!
Hope this clears up any misconceptions - also, I should probably note that my calorie intake over the last two days has been much higher, but still with the attitude of "eat when I'm hungry, stop when I'm full."
I welcome all comments and critiques - after all, a mind is like an umbrella - close it and it doesn't do you much good. :)
Rosie xxx
Hey Rosie, long time fan here. I really like that you are doing this blog! I would just add my two cents. I think starting with a calorie intake limit is not ideal for regular people like yourself (non athletes with specialized nutritionists). In reality, as you must know by now, not all calories are created equal so counting calories is not a good practice in this scenario and will burn you out pretty quick. I think the main thing is to focus on what you have been mentioning.. Eating when hungry and stopping when your full and I would add eating things that curb your hunger and increase your metabolism. You will likely end up eating more calories anyways because you are burning more (working out) but they will/should be healthier for you if you can help it.
ReplyDeleteBest regards!
My boyfriend and I have been together for six years, and he's always had such a good overall diet and mindset when it comes to food, which is just like the one you're sharing. He only eats when he's hungry and stops when he's full. It's really tough to change eating habits, especially because they get drilled into you when you're young and they don't really change unless you're aware of what's happening. I was raised to eat what I was given, clear my plate, and no left overs. Over the last few years (especially since being with my boyfriend) I've realized that kind of mentality is ridiculous. Although I understand that there are kids in Africa who starve, that doesn't mean I should eat all the more for it...? So basically where I'm going with this is pretty much: way to go, keep it up, and don't back down!
ReplyDeletePS. I would suggest getting that Nike FuelBand. My boyfriend uses it, and he loves it. It's a really good way to track how many steps you take during the day. And it's so cool when you finally "goal."